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Maximizing LinkedIn Groups For Recruiters

Ok. You all know that LinkedIn is a must for any recruiter- Temp, Perm, Inside, Outside. But besides joining and doing some searches, have you really maximized the value. You all also know about LinkedIn groups. It is key that you have a broad strategy that maximized how you select and use the alloted fifty group limit!

As a recruiter, you will want a healthy mix of Candidate based groups (sourcing), Client/Hr/Industry based groups (Marketing) and industry related groups (Training and Trends).

Each group is key. Too many recruiters focus on only one of the groups. Each offers you tremendous value and networking.
The candidate groups are obvious for getting your name out as an expert who can help them find jobs and to network for other candidates. You will also learn what is key to them and the “buzz” for that sector.
The Clients group is all too often overlooked, but if you provide great insight and value to them through your replies or posts, you will have secret followers that will bring their job orders TO YOU! You will also learn what is hot and current for them.
Industry groups, if you specialize, or if you select an industry group based upon your top clients, are also key! Here is where you can get some great posts or articles or resources to use to share with your NON LINKEDIN clients. What a great idea to email your prospect list in the energy field, for ex, some great tips or trends that affect them!
The Recruiting industry group is key to keep your name current amongst your peers and for future networking or splits. It also offers some great training tips and ideas to keep you sharp!

For each, take some time and review the groups instead of just selecting a group based upon its keywords/title and/or membership numbers. You should look for a) the quality of the membership. For example, in my “Staffing & Recruiting Industry Business Owner and Managers ONLY Connection!” group, we make sure not to allow any vendors to join and to keep the group membership to only managers, etc. Many group owners use it for more of a marketing tool for themselves and that does you a disservice. b)The quality of the interaction. Are there consistent posts or comments on the site? Is it monitored to avoid blatant ads or spamming? You want to be able to rely on the posts and want to view them for great information. You also want to see that people do utilize the boards, etc c)Other information on the group. Do you find articles or feeds posted? Again, this is a sign that the group owner is providing value for you.

If you make sure that you are diversified and that you join the best 15+ groups per sector, you will have a great resource on your hand!

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