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Stop Spamming Your Customers!

I often talk about how much of our industry does not embrace the latest technology and is behind the times.  Over the past year, it amazes me even more, since there are indeed many who are staying current and on the cutting edge…. Yet the majority are still running their desks and businesses like it’s, well, 1999 (insert Prince reference here).  The big spamming happened many years ago with the advent of the fax machine… New laws and related law suits pretty much put that to an end.Well, then came email and the Internet.. You know the rest of that story, so I won’t bore you.  Email was quite novel in the early days so we learned to use it to send promotional emails or lists of available candidates.  Some people got smart and realized that nobody was reading it anymore… In fact, they realized that they were actually alienating their target audience, so they turned to providing some value in their content.  Many were just Salary guide requests or emails to sign up for a great new free survey.  However, they were still veiled marketing letters.  Today, we are bombarding our clients with the same stuff and thinking that because we have a paragraph about how they can decrease attrition that it is a valuable email!  All that I am saying is that there are fabulous tools out there and REALLY great ways to provide super value to those who will read your messages!  I talk about this a lot in my first newsletter on my free training, but take a step back and really make that work from you.  I have received about a dozen or so “new” email campaigns from my followers who are showing off their new “learned” ways.  However, it is still much of the same. SPAM SPAM SPAM.  I am still amazed how many people send email that is unsolicited.  It really is quite illegal now.  Most of you think that it won’t affect you, since you get a ton of spam yourself. However, these spammers are smart and won’t lose their ISP or email address if only A FEW people complain (which they will).. Imagine being blocked by gmail or yahoo (Y) mail?  Any possible client or candidate who uses their email won’t ever hear back from you when they send a resume.  If a client’s server blacklists you (it’s now pretty automated, by the way), then they’ll never get that valuable email that you want to send them.  Take an hour and devise your plan.   Figure out what they really want to hear about and then give it to them (but, ask their permission first!!  .Heck, even if you just provide monthly links to the best articles in their industry, they will want to read it!  There is so much you can do so that you can become valuable. They won’t mind your occasional “hidden” marketing message then.  If it is obvious what you do, then at least they’ll be open to that phone call if and when you get around to it.  Take a course on Internet marketing or just sign up for a few on-line services that are trying to sell to you.. You’ll quickly learn that spam is really way way out and giving away value is way way in.

If you are new to my site, Please clickHERE and sign up for my FREE newsletter, which includes a FREE 8 week Mini “Recruiting System” training course.  The below video, along with related articles surrounding the topic, are included in the course!

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